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Discover the Top 10 Mystical Places Around the Globe

1. Stonehenge

The most mysterious and mystical place on the Planet is Stonehenge. It was built about five thousand years ago and is located in England. Who and how installed this grandiose complex? After all, its creator had great technical capabilities and knowledge in the field of many sciences (mathematics, astronomy, architecture).

Gone Without a Trace: Uncovering the Top 10 Mysterious Disappearances

1. Lyon Sisters

Lyon Sisters disappearance case is one of the most high-profile cases in the world that is still unsolved. Lyon Sisters – Katherine Mary Lyon (aged 10), and Sheila Mary Lyon (aged 12) disappeared without any traces during a 1975 trip to a shopping mall in Maryland, Washington, D.C.

Unraveling Mystery: Top 4 Aircraft Vanishings

MH 370  - Boeing 777 

Perhaps the most infamous and recent aircraft to go missing. The Boeing 777 aircraft vanished whilst crossing into Vietnamese airspace on a scheduled flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in 2014 and has remained one of the great mysteries in aviation.

Exploring Parallel Realities: 4 Intriguing Encounters with Alternate Worlds


 In 2006, Carol Chase McElheny drove from Perrys, California, to her home in San Bernardino. She decided to stay in Riverside, the city where she was born. However, Carol quickly realized that this is not the city, although geographically it was there, where it should be.