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Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world according to the 2021 report, with a score of 7.842 out of 10. The report attributes Finland's top ranking to the strong sense of communal support and mutual trust among its citizens, which has helped the country navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Finland also value their freedom to make choices and have minimal suspicion of government corruption, both of which contribute to their overall happiness.


The Exorcist 


More than forty years after its release, The Exorcist remains one of the most influential horror movies and books of all time. The film is so disturbing that it has forever changed the way people view pea soup. Surprisingly, the origin of the story is not scary but rather silly. In 1961, the eventual author of the novel,

Cherrapunji, India (498 inches of rainfall)

This location, known as Sohra locally, is situated under the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya and is famously referred to as the rain capital of the world. Cherrapunji, which translates to "land of oranges," receives an average annual rainfall of 498 inches. The heavy rains have led to deforestation and soil erosion, resulting in poor soil quality in this plateau. Despite its reputation as an extremely wet place, the vegetation in Cherrapunji is xerophytic.


The origin of the word "avatar" for our digital representations is mysterious, starting with the Sanskrit term avatara, which is commonly used to describe a god descending from the heavens into a human form. The term entered the English dictionary in the late 18th century through Hindi, maintaining its mystical meaning until Neal Stephenson's 1992 novel Snow Crash popularized it in a technological context.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

They first met as children, but their paths crossed again after a dinner at the White House in 1902. The dinner was hosted by Eleanor's uncle, President Teddy Roosevelt, who happened to be Franklin's fifth cousin. At the time, Franklin was 20 years old and studying at Harvard. Three years later, on St. Patrick's Day in 1905, they got married. Throughout their marriage, they had six children.