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1. Clive Christian No. 1 – $2,350 per ounce

Clive Christian No. 1 is known as the most expensive perfume globally, celebrated for its exceptional craftsmanship and the use of rare and precious ingredients sourced from around the world. This luxurious scent not only radiates opulence but also captivates the senses with its rich and unique fragrance. The bottle itself is a masterpiece, intricately designed and adorned with a stunning diamond-encrusted crown, symbolizing its regal and exclusive nature. Each spray of this extraordinary perfume transports you to a world of indulgence and elegance, making it a true masterpiece in the realm of fragrances.

Ethel & Julius Rosenberg 

Some Americans consider them to be the heroes of the Cold War. Susan Web from People's Weekly World states that they made a sacrifice because they believed in the possibility and necessity of a better world. They chose not to sign the loyalty oath and risk losing their jobs, unlike many others who were labeled as communists. The execution of these two individuals was a challenge that the US faced in its pursuit of democracy and peace.

Feminism in sex 

Last but not least, feminism also plays a role in sex! This does not refer to who is in control, but rather emphasizes that sexual activity should be based on equality. If you have ever heard the myth that women do not become aroused as quickly as men, it is completely false! Both women and men are naturally designed to reach peak arousal in just 10 minutes. Women may take longer to become aware of their arousal, which typically happens when they are close to reaching their peak. Men, on the other hand, are more attuned to their arousal. Cheers to feminism!

While the unnoticed events, the whole world was witnessing the story of the hijacking of a passenger airliner.


The 186-meter transatlantic liner "Santa Maria" built in the early 50's in Belgium belonged to the Lisbon-based company "Colonial de Navegasan" and worked on passenger lines connecting Portugal with the United States and Latin America. On January 9, 1961, the Santa Maria departed Lisbon for another voyage to Miami. On board were 612 passengers, many of them U.S. citizens, and 300 crew members.

Two brothers Shepsel and Leiba Gohman - merchants of the 3rd guild. Kept in Odessa antique store. But here's the trouble, they got too few real valuables, and the demand was quite high.


In 1891, the Gohmans opened an antique shop in the seaside town of Ochakovo. The brothers at some point realized that "values" do not have to find, they are quite possible to make themselves. So there was an underground antique shop.