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Top 10 Nazi Super Weapons Revealed: A Historical Exploration

1. Horten, Ho 229

Jet bombers are pretty common these days but you’d be surprised that to know that it was the Nazi’s who first came up with the idea of building an aircraft powered by jet. The Horten Ho 229 is among them most amazing super weapons built by Nazi.

 Top 5 Legendary Submarines of World War II

1. U-48  (Germany)

 The U-48 was the most feared German submarine in the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. It was in service for only two years and completed 12 patrols (Feindfahrten), but sank an unparalleled 51 targets for a total tonnage of 300,537.

Top 5 Smart Generals of World War II

1. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: The “Desert Fox”

No German general was as famed among the Allies as Erwin Rommel. He was so well respected that Field Marshal Montgomery had to remind his own troops to stop speaking about Rommel in such favorable terms.