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Top 7 Happiness Country on the world

Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world according to the 2021 report, with a score of 7.842 out of 10. The report attributes Finland's top ranking to the strong sense of communal support and mutual trust among its citizens, which has helped the country navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Finland also value their freedom to make choices and have minimal suspicion of government corruption, both of which contribute to their overall happiness.


Denmark is the second-happiest country, scoring 7.620. Denmark's values for the six variables are comparable to Finland's, and it even outscored Finland in categories such as GDP per capita, generosity, and perceived lack of corruption. This suggests that Denmark may claim the top spot in the future.

Switzerland ranks third with a score of 7.571. The Swiss are known for their good health, low obesity rates, and long life expectancy. They also have a high median salary and the highest GDP per capita among the top seven countries. Switzerland is considered one of the safest countries, along with Iceland and Denmark.


Iceland is the fourth-happiest country with a score of 7.554. It has the highest feeling of social support among the top seven countries and the second-highest generosity score. However, it ranked only 11th worldwide in terms of generosity.


The Netherlands is the fifth-happiest country, scoring 7.464. It scored higher in the generosity category than any other top-seven country and displayed a lack of perceived corruption.


Norway ranks sixth with a score of 7.392. Norwegians feel well cared for by their government, thanks to universal healthcare and free college tuition. They also enjoy a healthy work-life balance and have a low crime rate.


Sweden takes the seventh spot with a score of 7.363. It ranks high in almost every category, including lack of corruption, GDP per capita, and life expectancy.


Additional, Bhutan, although not included in the 2021 report due to a lack of polling data, is recognized for its inspiring example of combining health and happiness. The country successfully mobilized its population to avoid any COVID-19 deaths in 2020, despite having strong international travel links. If Bhutan is included in future reports, it may challenge the happiness rankings of Northern European countries.