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 Top 10 Uranium Producing Countries In The World 

 Top 10 Uranium Producing Countries In The World 


India has estimated total reserves of uranium at 30,480 tons. In 2023, it was estimated that 0.8 percent of the world's total uranium production came from India, with a production of almost 441 U.S. tons.


Ukraine is a natural resource-rich country with large reserves of minerals like uranium and titanium. As Europe's top producer of uranium, Ukraine ranks at number nine in the world with a total of about 820 U.S. tons.


China claims to be a uranium-rich country with around 2 million tons of uranium in 2023. Uranium mine production in China amounted to an estimated 2077 U.S. tons.


The World Nuclear Association states that Russia has known uranium deposits of 500,000 tons. In 2023, Russia produced 3136 tons of total uranium in the world.


Niger has two significant uranium mines providing about five percent of the world's mining output. The annual production of uranium in Niger exceeds 2000 tons.


Uzbekistan historically held uranium production information as confidential. Production of about 2400 tons of uranium was estimated for 2017, 2018, and 2019. However, in September 2023, Uzbekistan was producing approximately 3,500 metric tons or 3,858 U.S. tons of fine uranium.


Canada is the world's fourth-largest producer of uranium, accounting for about 13 percent of total world production in 2023. Canada produced approximately 4,282 tons of uranium valued at over 500 million dollars.


Uranium mining in Namibia is of considerable importance to the national economy. In 2023, Namibia produced 11 percent of uranium worldwide, ranking as the third-largest producer in the world.


Australia's known uranium resources are the world's largest, accounting for almost one-third of the world total. In 2023, Australia was the second-largest uranium producer, producing about 6,837 tons of uranium.


Kazakhstan has 12 percent of the world's uranium resources and in 2020 produced about 21,000 U.S. tons of uranium. In 2009, it became the world's leading uranium producer with almost 28 percent of world production. In 2023, Kazakhstan produced 41 percent of the world's uranium.