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Top 10  Monstrous Serial Killers on the World

The Serpent 

Charles Sobhraj, a killer of mixed Vietnamese and Indian descent, was convicted for committing heinous murders across several countries including India, Nepal, Thailand, Turkey, and Iran. He had a delusional belief that he was a superior being, likening himself to a superman, and considered his actions as a means of purifying the world. Travelers who ventured along what he referred to as the 'Hippie Trail' in Asia witnessed Sobhraj using pills and powders to make his victims ill before ultimately stabbing or burning their bodies. In a similar incident, he attempted to poison 60 French tourists staying at an Indian hotel, but they were fortunate enough to only suffer from diarrhea, leading to his arrest. Sobhraj, also known as 'The Serpent', made several successful attempts to escape from prison, but he is currently securely held behind bars in Nepal. However, it is likely that he will soon make another attempt to flee.

The S-Bahn Murderer


Paul Orgozow was a Nazi and a notorious murderer who brutally killed women by stabbing and beating them to death. He would then dispose of their bodies by throwing them off the train that ran along the S-Bahn railway line. His actions created a sense of fear and danger for women who traveled on the train, as the number of victims continued to rise. Authorities attempted to address the issue by assigning officers to escort women and suggesting they wear protective headgear to safeguard against the unknown killer. Unfortunately, these measures proved ineffective. Eventually, Paul Orgozow was apprehended and found guilty of eight murders. He was subsequently executed by guillotine.

 Ukrainian Terminator

Anatoly Onoprienko was a self-proclaimed killer who believed he was beyond the reach of the world. This claim seemed to hold some truth as he ruthlessly invaded homes, reminiscent of the Terminator, and mercilessly murdered entire families without sparing anyone. Onoprienko would also target cars parked on the roads, where he would kill and mutilate all the occupants, sometimes even resorting to burning their bodies. Each time, he would employ different weapons to carry out his gruesome acts, resulting in the deaths of approximately 52 people throughout his lifetime. Upon his arrest, he feigned insanity, attributing the murders to voices from outer space and claiming to be possessed. However, it was soon discovered that his lawyer had advised him to adopt this strategy, which ultimately proved futile. Onoprienko was sentenced to life in prison and passed away from a heart attack in 2013. 

The Godfather of Matamoros 

Adolfo Constanzo was raised in the Palo Mayombe religion, which has African influences. However, as he grew older, he turned to devil worship and became a well-known magician and fortune teller among criminals and gangsters. Due to his beliefs in devil worship, he also believed in human sacrifice. Constanzo and his followers would abduct people and sacrifice them in the name of the devil, often mutilating their bodies. 

One of their victims, Mark Kilroy, was abducted and a large sum of money was found in his possession, leading to a police investigation. One of Constanzo's followers broke through a police roadblock, leading to the discovery of the missing boy and the rest of the followers. Constanzo, however, was hiding in an apartment belonging to one of his followers. A month later, when the police found him and attempted to arrest him, Constanzo asked one of his followers to shoot him and his lover to death.

Cannibal of Muensterberg


Karl Denke, also known as Papa Denke, was a cannibal. He was well-known in the town of Muensterberg, Germany, and was active in the Church, helping people in any way he could. He sold jars of pickled pork, which made people overlook the buckets of blood outside his house and the strange smell emanating from his apartment. One day, a coachman heard a young woman screaming. The police investigated and found a woman dead in a pool of blood. Upon further search of his apartment, they discovered jars of pickled human flesh and human skin. Denke was arrested for committing 40 murders over four years, but he hanged himself in his cell before facing trial.

Railroad Killer 

Angel Maturino Resediz believed he was an indestructible angel and went on a killing spree targeting those he deemed evil. He left a trail of bodies across several states, using different weapons each time. He justified his actions by claiming his victims were homosexuals, pro-choice, or practitioners of witchcraft. Resediz murdered a total of 14 people and was sentenced to death. He was executed in Texas on June 27, 2006.

Whips and Chains 

Robert Ben Rhodes, also known by his CB handle 'Whips and Chains', was a long haul trucker who committed horrific and gruesome killings. He would deceive young women with his behavior, then tie them up, shave their heads and bodies, and torture them with a rape kit containing needles, whips, and alligator clips. He would ultimately strangle them with a wire. Rhodes was apprehended when an Arizona police officer noticed his hazard lights on and discovered a naked woman shackled in his truck, along with photographs of a terrified 14-year-old girl and bloody towels. He was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.

The Murderous Reporter 

A Macedonian reporter named Taneski was a terrifying figure when he wrote about a horrific incident in his newspaper column. The incident involved three women who had been brutally raped and murdered. Taneski's reports were so detailed that they raised suspicions, as he seemed to know intimate details about the crimes that were not public knowledge. Detectives decided to test Taneski's DNA and found that it matched the semen found on the victims' bodies. He was arrested, found guilty, and before he could serve his sentence, he committed suicide in his cell by drowning himself.

Sunday Morning Slasher 

The Sunday Morning Slasher, also known as Carl Eugene Watts, was a serial killer who moved to Houston, Texas in 1981. Watts was known for his bizarre reasons for committing murders, such as claiming that his victims had evil in their eyes. He would stab, strangle, and hang women, and then burn their trophies to rid them of evil spirits. Watts was arrested by the Houston DA while in the act of committing a crime and was sentenced to 60 years in prison. However, when police discovered that he had also murdered Helen Dutcher, Watts was sentenced to life in prison. He died of prostate cancer in 2007.

The Suicide Webster Murderer 

The internet serves as a platform for individuals to connect, engage in discussions, and share aspects of their lives, if they choose to do so. In Japan, however, there is a disturbing phenomenon where individuals who are depressed and no longer wish to live seek out similar individuals online. They form pacts and subsequently meet in person to end their lives together, avoiding the loneliness of dying alone. Tragically, this practice has attracted the attention of a notorious serial killer named Hiroshi Maeue. Maeue preyed on these vulnerable individuals, luring them into meeting him under false pretenses. His victims included young girls, a 14-year-old boy, and a college student, all of whom were bound, restrained, and ultimately murdered. It is believed that Maeue suffered from a paraphilic psychosexual disorder, which compelled him to derive pleasure from witnessing others in pain and distress.