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The Millennium Scam

It is a symbol of wealth and abundance, power and high social status. Gold is a noble metal, the seventy-ninth element in Mendeleev's periodic table. No bloody drama in the history of mankind is connected with it.

Today, more than a hundred nations keep their gold reserves in closely guarded US bunkers. This has been the case since World War II. At the end of World War II, many central banks decided to deposit gold with American bankers.

More than half a century has passed since then. Some countries have wanted to get their gold back, but no one has succeeded.

Before World War II, many countries considered the United States a safe haven, so they sent their gold reserves there. Our country was among them. According to some experts, over the ocean is still stored at least five hundred tons of gold of the Russian Empire. This is the payment for weapons, which she wanted to buy from the British and Americans in 1914. The weapons were never delivered to us, and the money, 200 million gold rubles paid in advance, settled with American bankers.

According to experts, this gold was used by the U.S. government to make gold bars, resulting in the U.S. securing its dollar.

France was the first to try to take back its gold. In 1965 Charles de Gaulle sent a ship loaded with 750 million dollars to America. and demanded that it be exchanged for gold. This demarche was a serious blow to the American economy and an example to follow.

Following Paris, the Germans, Canada and Japan decided to exchange dollars for gold. Panic broke out on the American stock exchanges. For 2 years France exported more than 3000 tons of precious metal.

In August 1971 Nixon announced that America would no longer exchange metal for paper.

In 2009, interesting information leaked to the press, allegedly the United States sold China counterfeit bullion. After arriving in the Celestial Empire, Beijing decided to check the valuable cargo. It turned out that the ingots, all 5600 pieces, are made of tungsten. They are covered with a thin layer of precious metal only on top. Fake, according to a number of experts, shipped in the famous Fort Knox. However, neither this information nor the news about the fakes is official.

So this story could be considered a newspaper duck? You never know. In 2012, the same fake bars surfaced in the United States. The uproar then was raised by VIP clients of New York jewelry boutiques who learned that they had purchased tungsten instead of gold. At the same time, there are no scratches, dents or seams on the fakes, and all the stamps are genuine.

In 2013, there was a story that made us think again about the counterfeit version. Then Germany decided to take back its gold. Until 2017, the Germans managed to take out only half of their reserves. Washington refused to return the rest.


There is no information in the press about what other countries are negotiating with US bankers and why the Fed is not returning the remaining bullion.

Suspicion is also inspired by the fact that the U.S. government categorically does not want to conduct an international audit of its gold reserves.

But who pulled off the millennium scam, and where are the real bullion bars? What will happen when the truth is revealed and everyone learns the true value of the U.S. currency?