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Top 5 Best Scottish Whiskey

Top 5 Best Scottish Whiskey

Johnnie Walker

Johnnie Walker, the world's most popular Scotch whisky, surpasses its competitors by selling over 2.5 times more. From its humble beginnings in a Kilmarnock grocery shop opened by John Walker in 1820, it has risen to the top spot globally since the mid-1950s. The iconic square bottle, slanting label, and striding man logo, originally drawn by cartoonist Tom Browne in 1908, have helped solidify its position as a leader in the industry.


The story of Ballantine's begins in George Ballantine's store in Edinburgh in 1827, much like Johnnie Walker. The flagship blend, Ballantine's Finest, was launched in 1910, and in the 1960s, the Canadian owner decided to focus on selling its whiskies in Europe. This philosophy has had its ups and downs - Ballantine's faced challenges in the Spanish Scotch market after the millennium, but has found great success in Poland as more people there choose Scotch over vodka.


Grant's, like many other competing blends, has faced challenges in some markets in recent years. However, a significant increase in sales since 2015 has allowed it to surpass Chivas Regal and claim the global number three spot. The story of Grant's is unique in that it started with a single malt: William Grant began selling blended whisky in 1898, over ten years after founding the Glenfiddich distillery near Dufftown. After a few unsuccessful branding attempts, Grant's Standfast was the name that ultimately found success, and it is still proudly displayed on every bottle today.

Chivas Regal

Over the past decade, Chivas Regal, known as 'the original luxury Scotch', has experienced a series of ups and downs, reflecting its turbulent history. Initially introduced as a groundbreaking 25-year-old blend aimed at the elite of early 20th-century America, the brand has undergone several transformations under different ownerships. Eventually, it settled on a core expression of a 12-year-old blend during the Second World War. 

During the luxury boom in China after the turn of the millennium, Chivas Regal became the country's top imported spirit. However, its sales plummeted following the Chinese government's crackdown on extravagance. Since then, the brand has struggled, but managed to make a slight recovery last year.


The unlikely story of J&B begins in London's clubland, but it has now become the go-to whisky for parties in the Mediterranean. Justerini & Brooks, a wine merchant in Pall Mall, started blending whisky in the 1880s. However, it was in the 1930s when the business really took off with the introduction of J&B Rare. This light-colored and light-bodied blend was specifically created for the American palate and it was a huge success.

But J&B's success in the United States was later overshadowed by its role in Spain's Scotch boom. The party bars in Spain became known for serving generous pours of 'Jota B' mixed with Coke. Unfortunately, Spain's decline has had a negative impact on J&B, and the brand has been experiencing declining sales for several years now.