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Top 10 Unknown Facts About Kim Jong-Un (North Korea)


Despite the isolation of North Korea, Kim Jong-un attended an English language school in Berne, Switzerland using the alias "Pak Choi". His former classmates confirmed that Kim Jong-un attended Gumligen International School and Liebefeld public school.


In contrast to his father, Kim Jong-il, who killed his own brother at the age of 5, Kim Jong-un was a shy and well-behaved child.

 Unknown Birthdate:

The exact date of Kim Jong-un's birth remains unknown. Many speculate that he was born in late 1983 or early 1984 in Pyongyang. Intelligence sources have provided a date (January 8, 1984), but it is still uncertain.

 Rare shots:

Kim Jong-un rarely appeared in public, and many people did not know what he looked like until the mid-1990s. He was only introduced to the public in June 2010.


Kim Jong-un went through puberty at the age of 8 and famously sported a handlebar mustache.

 Limited Experience:

He has limited experience in leading a country, with his only relevant experience being a 4-year study of military science.

Mystery Uncle:

Kim Jong-un is not the sole potential successor. His uncle also has aspirations for the position and has acted as a regent for Kim Jong-il since 2008, following the latter's strokes.


His distinctive haircut has gained him a following of copycats who try to emulate his image.


Kim Jong-un is athletic and enjoys playing basketball, which is surprising considering the widespread famine in the country.

 Loves Michael Jordan:

This demonstrates that not all Western media is censored, especially for the successor of Kim Jong-il.