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Top 10 Most Haunted roads on the world

Top 10 Most Haunted roads on the world


  1. Kinmont Straight on the A75 in Scotland has gained a reputation as the most haunted road in the country. Over the past fifty years, there have been numerous ghost sightings on this road, leading to its nickname, "the Ghost Road." Drivers have reported sudden apparitions of people in front of their vehicles, causing panic, only for the figures to disappear just as mysteriously as they appeared
  2. Kelly Road in Pennsylvania, USA, is said to be cursed due to its location on the site of former cult activity. The one-mile stretch known as the "Mystery Mile" has seen lonely drivers witness animals becoming violent as soon as they enter the area, chasing other animals and even people. There have also been reports of a ragged boy walking through residents' backyards surrounded by an eerie white light.
  3. The Devil's Promenade in Missouri, USA, is known for an orb of light that appears through the trees every evening. Although usually green, the light has been observed in different colors and sizes. Legend has it that this supernatural phenomenon is the spirit of two Native American lovers searching for each other.
  4. Dead Man's Curve in Ohio, USA, gets its ominous name from a sharp turn in the road that has claimed many lives. In 1969, five teenagers died in a car accident at this location. The sole survivor has reported seeing a ghost hitchhiker five times since then, with a featureless face, walking slowly along the road before suddenly vanishing. Other witnesses have reported seeing visions of the 1969 accident car, as well as antique carriages that fell off the road over a century ago.
  5. Stocksbridge Bypass in England has been the site of troubling apparitions since its completion in 1989. Late at night, drivers have reported seeing children playing under the bridge. On several occasions, a monk has been seen, often looking out, but sometimes appearing suddenly next to people inside their cars.
  6. Tuen Mun Road in Hong Kong, despite being a relatively new highway built in 1977, has become a site of paranormal activity. After a fatal bus and truck collision in 2003, locals have reported numerous sightings of ghosts in the middle of the road, causing drivers to swerve and resulting in more accidents. Legend has it that each new deceased person joins the existing ghosts to haunt Tuen Mun Road, perpetuating the cycle of accidents. Spirits also take advantage of frequent traffic jams to hitch a ride inside cars.
  7. Clinton Road in New Jersey, USA, is known for its various paranormal sightings. If you stop at the Old Boy Bridge and toss a penny into the river at midnight, the ghost of a drowned boy will supposedly throw it back at you. Other reported phenomena include a grey wolf with red eyes stalking people, Devil worshippers hanging blood-stained clothes to dry, strange animals allegedly created through inbreeding and genetic manipulation in an abandoned zoo nearby, ghost pick-ups that chase drivers off the road, and unexplained lights in the sky. These apparitions are often witnessed around a dangerous curve that has seen many accidents and deaths.
  8. The Belchen Tunnel in Basel, Switzerland, opened in 1966 without any supernatural occurrences until the early 1980s. Reports of a male hitchhiker who vanished from cars at high speed were the first signs of supernatural activity. The tunnel's resident ghost is now known as "the white lady," an old woman wearing white clothes. She appears suddenly in front of cars and was first encountered by two women who asked if she was well. She replied negatively, stating that something terrible was going to happen. When the women looked back, she had disappeared.
  9.  Boy Scout Lane in Wisconsin, USA, has multiple versions of a haunting story. One version claims that a troop of boy scouts was murdered by their bus driver during a camping trip, while another suggests their troop leader was responsible. A third story states that the boys simply vanished and were never found. Drivers passing through at night have reported seeing apparitions of boys, sometimes covered in blood. The road is now on private land, and access is prohibited, adding to the mystery
  10. Shades of Death Road in New Jersey, USA, lives up to its name. White lights can be seen burning off the road, but it is advised not to look at them. If the lights turn red while you are looking, it is believed to be a bad omen.