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Top 7 Most Popular Ice Hockey Goalie All time

Patrick Roy 

Patrick Roy is ranked number one on this list. He is considered the best goaltender in NHL history and was an innovator in the sport. Roy popularized the butterfly technique, which was originally introduced by Glenn Hall. This technique is now widely used by modern goaltenders.

Top 7 heaviest wrestlers on WWE\WWF

 The Great Khali- 420 lbs

The Punjabi playboy is the first entrant on the list, and WWE fans have no doubt as to why Vince McMahon signed this guy in the first place. Khali, a former WWE champion, also has a successful acting career in Bollywood and Hollywood.

Top 7 aces of the  World War2

Sniper of Stalingrad battle

This Hero of the Soviet Union killed more than 300 Nazi soldiers in the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II and taught scores of other snipers.

Top 7  Greatest Leaders of Ancient Greece


Lycurgus, a semi-legendary figure, is credited with establishing a set of laws that transformed Sparta into a military-focused state. It is believed that Lycurgus sought advice from the Oracle of Delphi, a significant Greek authority, before implementing his reforms. 

Top 2 World War2 Big operations

Killing The butcher of Prague

82 years ago, on June 4, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, the head of Nazi security police and governor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, was killed by Czech parachutists in an assassination attempt. This event was a significant moment in Czech resistance and dealt a major blow to the Nazi war effort, as it showed that even high-ranking German officials were not invincible.